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Posters must be sent digitally in PDF format, as a single page, before the 1st of December. Posters should be in a landscape (horizontal) aspect with the following relative dimensions: 16 units of width to 9 units of length (16:9), and the size of the file must not exceed 5 MB; those that exceed this size will be returned to the author for reduction. 

Taking advantage of the fact that this congress will be virtual, we will provide new tools to further enrich poster presentations; presenters will be able to add short videos (we suggest no more than 5 minutes) that will be attached through a link next to the poster and its summary. Videos can be used to briefly explain the poster, or as supplementary material. For the recording of videos, we recommend the Zoom platform (recommendations and instructions).


Further recommendations:

  • The work presented in the poster should not require further verbal explanation in order to be understood.

  • Maintain a contrast between the poster background and text that is ideal for reading.

  • Avoid having too much text on the poster, posters with less than 800 words are ideal.

  • Organize your poster into sections, for example: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Acknowledgements, etc.

  • Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster, avoid the use of tables.

Instructions for Libreoffice Impress


  • The aspect ratio must be 16:9, which is the predefined ratio in Impress. In case you need to change this, select <slide/properties>, once you have opened the menu, select <format: 16:9>..

  • After the poster is finished, save the file in <File/Save>, to keep it as the original (extension .odp). Then go to <File / Export to / Export to PDF> and save the poster to see the final size of the PDF. If it exceeds the 5 MB limit, reopen the .odp file and export to PDF again, but use the <Reduce image resolution> option to resize the images to the final size of 5 MB. Another option is to reduce the size and/or resolution of the images in the poster before using them in the presentation, this can be done with free programs such as GIMP or FastStone.

  • Remember to check the quality of the images in the pdf before sending.


Steps to record your own presentation in Zoom:

  • Open the file of your presentation, which may or may not be the same as the one containing your poster (although it should be taken into account that on the day of the presentation you will be using the poster you submitted).

  • Open Zoom; If you don't have it installed, you can download it from HERE.

  • Open the <setting> menu (the gear symbol on the top right of the Zoom screen) and open the <recording> section, finally choose the local recording destination.

  • Start a session as a host.

  • Share the screen with your poster and/or files/images that you want to share, which will take up most of the screen, while your camera will still be active and show you in a small window.

  • If you want to hide the floating Zoom bar, press the key combination <Alt + Ctrl + Shift + H>.

  • When you are ready, start recording by pressing the “record” button or “Alt + R” in the Zoom bar, you can choose to record locally (on your computer) or in the cloud (although this requires the “Pro” version of Zoom). A legend which states “recording” should appear in the upper left of your screen.

  • When you exit the session, Zoom will process the video and download it to the computer or the cloud, depending on the option chosen. For local download, Zoom has established by default that it places the files in the folder "Documents / zoom" where it will place three files, "zoom_0.mp4" (which contains the video that you are going to use), "zoom_0.m3u "And" zoom_0.m4a ". For more details, enter HERE.


Recommendations for recording the presentation:

  • Before recording, make sure you are in a space with as few distractions as possible (distraction can be both visual or audio, for example: pets, people, music, heavily cluttered backgrounds, etc.).

  • A common source of interruption is notifications and alarms, either from the device used or from one nearby. Be sure to disable or turn off these devices to avoid distractions.

  • Good lighting is fundamental, the light source should be located in front of the subject, not behind; direct natural light is the best option.

  • Speak while looking at the camera, which should be at the same height as your face so that you can present with your head at a right angle to it.

  • Avoid only reading what the poster says, this tool allows you to add content that does not appear on the poster.

  • Be aware of body movements while in front of the camera; remember that an important component of communication is non-verbal.

  • If you want, you can use the Zoom pointer to highlight main ideas or point to particular graphics (<Main menu: Annotate: spotlight>)


Steps to upload your video to YouTube:


Once the video is made, you must upload it to the YouTube platform so that it can be incorporated into the congress page. To do this, you must register on YouTube, and, once you enter your account, you must upload the video. To this by going to "Create", in the upper right corner of your screen. Upon doing this, YouTube will ask you to select the video you want to upload. Once the video is uploaded, you must send us the link by email. You can indicate on YouTube that the video is hidden (that is, it cannot be seen by users who do not have the link) in the visibility option found within the video details menu.

© 2020, VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Aracnología

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